Monday, December 31, 2012

Speaking about Gun Control

Sometimes it seems that people that like guns, and people that fear them speak two different languages.  I thought I would help.  If you talk to a person against the rights of people to keep arms, you might want to correct them...

When Libs Say ... They Mean

"High Capacity Magazines" - The standard capacity designed for the weapon by the manufacturer.  For example my Glock 23 is designed to hold 13 rds of 40 cal goodness.  AR15 (semi automatic version of the Military FA (Full Auto) weapon) have been using 30 rd magazines since ~1974. I think nearly 30 years makes that standard...

"Common Sense Restrictions"- Doing something for the sake of being able to go to their voters and say "look what we did!" whether it does any good or not. For example many police departments admitted that the 1994 AWB did no good, and didn't push for its renewal.

"Discredited"- Commonly used to describe scientific studies that contradict the liberal word view.  For example, Gary Kleck Discredited studies.

"Assault Weapon"- Any weapon that scares a phobic.

"Public Policy groups working to end the violence"  Groups like the Brady Campaign with small memberships, big mouths, and act as shrills for the Democratic Party.

"The evil NRA on the run and running out of resources"  *Giggle* *Snort*  *Giggle*...

Speaking about Groups, this is enlightening.     (updated with some help from a good friend of mine  JCD.)

Brady Campaign Last available data 2010.  Raised $3.1 mil.  President earned nearly $259K (8.38% of expenses), Program expense $2.3 mil.  Net assets $1.9 mil.  I am unsure how the total administrative costs can be less than the President of the org was paid.

Violence Policy Center  Last available data 2010.  Raised $833K.  Executive Director earned $145K (18.67% of expenses), Program expense $685K. Net assets $291K.

NRA foundation Last available Data 2010.  Raised $16mil. Executive Director earned $0 from the charity, but $835K from affiliates. Program expense $22 mil.  Net assets $72 mil. 

Southern Poverty Law Center Last Data available 2010.  Raised $36mil.  president earned $300K (.86% of expenses).  Program expense $23.5 mil. Net assets $238mil.

For the record, I dislike much of what I hear about the SPLC, and it seems like they have a hard on for conservatives or libertarians, but at least they practice what they preach, and I can respect that.

Also good read, but a bit outdated.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Why gun control will never work.

See if you can see why.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Shooting in an Elementary School

Can you think of anything more cowardly than going to a school and shooting a bunch of children?  Lets face it, the recent mass murderers have had one thing in common.  No, they were not all right wing fanatics.  No, it doesn't appear that the communists have started to rise up again.

I'll make it easy for you.  They attacked places where concealed carry, or guns themselves are outlawed.  In other words they used our laws against us.  We have decided that schools are no place for guns, and so now cowards and bullies are pretty sure they will be the only ones to have them.  

Unlike the Pearl MS shooting, where an adult was able to retrieve a privately owned weapon to stop the spree, this coward continued the attack until the police showed up.  I like police, I respect police, but I don't want to live in a nation with sub-machine gun toting police are on every street corner.  Until then, the old saw holds true, you are responsible for you.