Saturday, April 20, 2013

To my friends that want to restrict the arms that can Americans can own,

I am hardly the man with an awe inspiring collection of guns. I have some new ones and I have some old ones. I have some “western” type guns, I have some military type guns, some real military guns, I even have some historic guns. What I infer from those on the left is that I just have guns, evil bad guns that exist only for killing. I do have killing guns, a 22 that I have used on snakes and squirrels, and a couple of deer rifles that have taken deer. I have never shot at a human, never fantasized about shooting people, or making bombs. I have shot human silhouettes targets, but that's pretty common, and in fact required in my state's CCW permitting process.

Let me explain to you what fruits your works have borne.

With the last assault weapons ban, the one you just tried to slide through the senate, and have passed in many states you have caused many people like me to “stock up”. I know several people that have gone from a couple of guns to “quite a few”. I know men that went from 3 or 4 standard capacity magazines to hundreds over the last few years. One fellow I know now has 30,000 rounds of ammo for his rifles, and magazines to keep them in. Don't think that outlawing them will stop them from existing, weapons packed in cosmoline before WW2 are still looking good today.

The public liberals, not just those in office but those in the public, have further poisoned the well. Their continual cry's that we are crazy and that “Obama doesn't want your guns” has been proven false. Their continual assault and ridicule around our fears and concerns have done nothing but further polarize the populace, turning gun owner against the gun fearer. Ensuring that we “know” that liberals aren't to be trusted, that they lie and conceal their intentions and will stop at nothing to have this nation changed to a system that mirrors their fantasies and damn the consequences.

The gun owner today “knows” that you are out to get him, and frankly the conditions are set for more and more incidents to happen. More guns are in hands today than ever before, and not just in the hands of the enthusiast as before, but in hands that probably not accustomed to handling weapons. More are going to be available on the used market, and lots of magazines are out there. Instead of setting conditions that will reduce gun violence by the mentally ill, you have set up conditions where the very thing you say you wanted to prevent will flourish.


1996 I did something I had never done before I “community organized” for concealed carry. I print out flyers, I talked it up, and I preached it like I have never preached before. I remember I was taking classes at a local college, one of my favorite teachers was an unabashed liberal (like many professors), and she was disgusted with me for my attitude and that “blood would run in the streets”. Contrary to her belief, and typical liberal thought process, blood hasn't run in the streets, there were no Wild West Shootouts that apparently exist in liberal minds.

Crime instead has dropped to the point that nationally it's lower than in 1963. 1963, 6 years before my birth. Kennedy was President, TAB soda was launched, and the M-16 was first introduced into combat in Vietnam. It always appears to be that liberals still live in 1963. They still remember the problems in Birmingham, race riots and that George Wallace is still the Governor of Alabama. They exist in a world that needs public policy for racial equality, they exist in a world where woman's lib is new and exciting, and that labor unions and their mafia components are the power base of the left.

Get with the world today. People should be responsible for their own actions, will actions like the Boston marathon bombings and ricin letters exist today and in the future? Probably, but something that I find very scary is that these actions are mostly fomented from those on the left. The press is always willing to blame radical right wingers, the SPLC likes to blame the “right wing hate groups” but that isn't whats happening. Lets go through the list of who does what next time.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Roll Call of Shame

The following nominally Republican  senators violated their oath of office to "support and defend the Constitution".  There is never a time where it is acceptable to debate the freedom's that are given to all Americans.  

Please take a moment to let them know how little you respect their stands.

New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte

Georgia Sen. Saxby Chambliss

Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn

Maine Sen. Susan Collins

Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake

Georgia Sen. Johnny Isakson

Arizona Sen. John McCain

Mississippi Sen. Roger Wicker

North Carolina Sen. Richard Burr

North Dakota Sen. John Hoeven

Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham

Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander

Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker

Pennsylvania Sen. Pat Toomey

Nevada Sen. Dean Heller