Thursday, June 27, 2013


It seems that the left has a new word of the month now, and that word my friends is "bigot". From their usage, I think they have decided to redefine the word to mean "someone that believes something negative about a group of people we like, and refuses to change their minds even though I (we) really really really want them to like, support, and give money to them."

However, that isn't what the word means. The word is defined as "One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ." by Free Dictionary dot com. There is a difference.

In fact, this post was written because of the continual LGBT drumbeat against Chik Fil A, a fine company who's food I enjoy, but am not affiliated with. Dan Cathy (like his father before him) makes no bones about his belief system, but abides by the law of the land. I can find no articles saying someone was fired for his sexual orientation, I can't find any cause celebre of anyone that wasn't welcomed into their restaurants, yet the drumbeat continues.

One thing that is certain, the left continues to be bigoted and intolerant of those that don't believe the way they want them to, and work to cause their demise, and once again prove their basic ineffectiveness.