That's ok, because the one there was larger than I wanted, I really liked the leg layout and the lines spoke to me, but I wanted something for under my desk to rest my feet on. (Please note the chapstick is there to provide scaling).
So I cut my 1X10X6 from Lowe's into three parts, the two legs, and the top.
then I cut out the design on the legs that I wanted and cut (not very squarely) my setbacks for the rails. Then I cleaned up the mess with a chisel a bit.
Being of firm redneck extraction, if one nail will do, two would be better.
Top glued and nailed onto the rails, not the legs. My belief being that this will help prevent splitting due to seasonal movement. I was thinking of putting a center rail in to help keep the legs square and support the top, but the original didn't have one.