Saturday, February 14, 2015

More on this later

I think one of the most concerning habits that I've observed  is the failure to understand that it's OK to have civil differences in a civil society. The way the MSP treats republicans as evil is the opposite of understanding that basic fact, and in fact is nothing but a juvenile form of what I wanted to speak about.

"I think everyone should watch the video should they get the opportunity because I think it reinforces an important fact.  Beyond the borders of our nation in other unfortunate parts of the world, there are evil people who the normal principles of civil society don’t exist – for who torture, rape and murder are not crimes but tools to achieve their aims and perhaps even enjoyed.  My friends on the right make the mistake of assuming this is about religion, but they are wrong.  Islam is merely the excuse – this is about power, the original sin of mankind, a primal and nasty story that happens time and time again across the globe and throughout history."  Chris Otero -  Havoc Journal

As the quote from the article above calls out, this is beyond civil differences, the behavior that we are seeing from the terrorists is nothing but evil.  This is in fact the same evil we've seen throughout history from those seeking unbridled power, power like concentration camps (regardless of the source), Khmer Rouge evil, Stalinist evil, and yes Nazi evil.   This is the evil the reduces the basic human nature of the victims to zero, subhuman status.  This is the evil that says "I will do everything possible to ensure the growth of my power, and to subjugate you."  That is the evil that our constitution was designed to protect against, the evil that says "I have the power and you have to do what I want", the ability for free men to resist.  Resist against the redcoats, resist against a political machine.

Our modern press treat as anti-American anyone that tends to disagree with their progressive vision of the future of America.  Criminals that deserve to have their taxes audited, criminals that don't deserve the ability to protect those they love, and certainly don't deserve to have their voices heard.   In the news recently there are have several articles about state governments pushing for greater gun control, and a snippet I found this morning about banning ar-15 ammo, the push continues...

Random Thoughts.

Statement                                  Response
You dislike gay marriage?         Don't be gay and don't get married.

I think Guns are evil.                 Cling to your  Anthropomorphism, I like my guns...

Christians are as evil as             Good Generalization, ever heard of a "mote in your eye"?
Islamics                                     How about all those temples and cultural buildings the west is                                                                blowing up in the Middle East?  Oh, sorry that was ISIS...