Wednesday, February 12, 2014

If I was in charge...

If I was in charge of the anti-Obama party, be it Republican or a flavor of Conservatism, there are a number of things I would tell the troops.

1) Fighting against "gay marriage" was doomed to start, and is the wrong side of history to be on.  You might be opposed to Homosexuality, it isn't my thing but I don't like the government telling people what to do, but that fight is over.  Need to man up and say "This is a triumph of the person over the state".

2) Snowden and the NSA.  A senator from the Commonwealth of Kentucky filed suit against the NSA and administration for their crimes against the American people.  Frankly, if the senior senator from Kentucky showed that kind of leadership, he would be far more likely to be reelected for another term.  Say what you want about the need to have a modern surveillance state, but a surveillance state isn't American.  From the Aliens and Sedition act to the internment of Japanese - Americans during the 2nd World War and to the Communist Witch hunts post war, the infringements of the rights of Americans to be free to exercise their constitutional rights is never "good", and rarely rewards in the end.

3) Obama care is the law of the land, don't think you are going to get rid of it unless something else drops that will cause the American people to suddenly wake up.  Keep focusing on the lawless actions of the President unilaterally saying what the law is and isn't.  You aren't going to win, the Democrats control the senate, the President's man is the Attorney General, and unless the supreme's decide to wake up and do something, there isn't anything to be done.  Now after the mid-terms...

4) Gun Control, my first two points are about the power of the person over that of the state.  You know, the nation where the rights of the one are more important than the wants of the many? Fighting against Gun Control isn't about guns, it's the fight of the power of the individual to face the power of the state.  It's the classic fight of individualism vs statism.  Ultimately, the comparison of a republic vs that of a socialist state.

Make no mistake, by any definition of the word, our current president is a socialist.   Perhaps not the classic Marxist's proletariat socialist, maybe not a communist, but a genuine socialist none the less.

Socialism and communism are alike in that both are systems of production for use based on public ownership of the means of production and centralized planning. Socialism grows directly out of capitalism; it is the first form of the new society. Communism is a further development or "higher stage" of socialism.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his deeds (socialism). From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs (communism).
The socialist principle of distribution according to deeds— that is, for quality and quantity of work performed, is immediately possible and practical. On the other hand, the communist principle of distribution according to needs is not immediately possible and practical—it is an ultimate goal.  

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Lets keep it classy people!