Friday, December 14, 2012

Shooting in an Elementary School

Can you think of anything more cowardly than going to a school and shooting a bunch of children?  Lets face it, the recent mass murderers have had one thing in common.  No, they were not all right wing fanatics.  No, it doesn't appear that the communists have started to rise up again.

I'll make it easy for you.  They attacked places where concealed carry, or guns themselves are outlawed.  In other words they used our laws against us.  We have decided that schools are no place for guns, and so now cowards and bullies are pretty sure they will be the only ones to have them.  

Unlike the Pearl MS shooting, where an adult was able to retrieve a privately owned weapon to stop the spree, this coward continued the attack until the police showed up.  I like police, I respect police, but I don't want to live in a nation with sub-machine gun toting police are on every street corner.  Until then, the old saw holds true, you are responsible for you.

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Lets keep it classy people!