Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Shot Heard Round the World.

If you read the same places I do, we are all hearing about the pending "Death of the Republic", that the President will work around congress, and will exercise his will through executive orders, that he can't get through congress.

I do think that if the House Republicans allow a gun ban to come to a vote in the house without first ensuring there is no way it will pass, they deserve to be abandoned and a new party formed without their presence being tolerated.

1)  He will misuse the 14th Amendment and sign Executive Orders to "do something" about the Debt Limit Crisis of 2013.  The democrats are all talking about how a phrase in the 14th Amendment gives the President the "duty" to do what he wants to do anyway, raise the debt limit.  A reading of the amendment does mean that "The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, shall not be questioned."  But I guess they never looked at the final section of the amendment.   SECTION 5.  The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

Oh snap Mr Obama!!

2) He will sign Executive Orders that will outlaw certain firearms, and require the American People to turn in their now illegal firearms.

You know, I could see the president misusing his powers in this way, but I also think that the Supremes would certainly take a dim view of this and would very quickly do something to stop this abuse of power.  Certainly confiscation would be prevented by the 5th amendment, considering the current cost of an AR-15, the compensation of those weapons would probably cause a new debt crisis pretty damn quickly.

Sipsey Street is reminding us all what happens to tyrants and to their willing accomplices.   Please remember that the real meaning of the second amendment is to prevent tyranny from get a firm hold on this nation.  Unlike any other nation on earth, we have a duty, and responsibility here. Personally I would urge calm and letting the process work its way.  The last thing we need is for a new revolution spark to kindle into a fire.  No one will win such an explosion, and if you think that the people won't stand up.  I think you fail to understand.

One more thing, today we learned that David Gregory won't be charged for possession of a high capacity magazine in a city where they are banned.  If this was you or I, we would have been taken to jail.  So much for Justice being blind in Washington DC!

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